Argentina: Hundreds of factories on strike in Northern Area in Greater Buenos Aires

Hundreds of factories on strike in Northern Area in Greater Buenos Aires
Leaders of the militant and left wing unionists and the left of Buenos Aires Northern area have informed La Izquierda Diario about the strength of the strike in the industrial area.
Leaders of the left and the militant trade unionism, Javier “Poke” Hermosilla from Kraft, learnt this morning that workers had joined the strike at most of the factories located in Buenos Aires Northern area, the biggest industrial area in Argentina.
Hermosilla stated to La Izquierda Diario: “We are receiving reports from workers at several factories. Big multinational companies are paralyzed; thousands of workers went on strike at Kraft, Fate, Pepsico, Stani, Lear, Worldcolor, Procter & Gamble, former Donnelley, Ford, Toyota, Metalsa, Gestamp. At the same time, hundreds of workers from smaller companies are also carrying out this strike. The strike is really strong in this area. Teachers, public workers, and transport workers also went on strike”.
Jorge Medina, from Madygraf (former Donnelley, printer company) noted, “In many of these factories there is a big influence of militant unionists, rank-and-file delegates and the left, but we need to highlight that the strike turn out is high in most of the unions; those who called the strike and those who didn’t. There’s a wide anger and discontent against the workers’ income taxes, but the workers are also striking against the inflation, for a salary rise, against dismissals and layoffs.”