Report from Honduras – Thursday, October 1

In one day: 100 arrested from the Resistance, while the decree against the guarantees continues in force


Tegucigalpa. – The same day at 5 a.m., the premises of the Instituto Nacional Agrario [INA] were forcibly evacuated; the operation was televised live by the pro-coup media, that did not stop saying that the integrity of the people who were leaving of their own will, was respected, while in the pictures we saw 57 campesinos that were being shoved out, in an operation with more than 300 armed cops, who confiscated the bags with clothes and satchels that were the only belongings of the comrades from the Resistance. They were all moved as arrested people and will not be released while exorbitant charges are made, that the coup plotters pull out of thin air, to sentence the Resistance to prison.

The same day at 8 a.m., a protest was called in front of the premises of Radio Globo, where the Resistance also began a protest about the eviction of the INA just hours before.

The Resistance began the rally by standing in front of the Radio Globo premises, in opposition to the decree that prevents freedom of expression, among other guarantees, when they were getting support from the people that were passing by in autos, and they were waiting on the sidewalk, in order to avoid being evicted by the cops. However, at 11:30, a violent eviction by hundreds of soldiers, anti-riot police and Cobras [anti-riot control vehicles] began; the pictures are exaggerated, the operation simulated a confrontation in a war, when they began to shoot teargas canisters to disperse the Resistance, while the leadership of the Frente was trying to have a dialogue with the police chiefs. They had to get away by running, too.

The press was also evicted just like any demonstrator. In this operation there were also people arrested, and [the number] is not known exactly, but it is estimated [to be] around 50.

The de facto government calls these operations "peaceful"; at midnight they charge the 100 people arrested during the day, and then it is known for certain if someone is released or immediately moved to the common jails.

But meanwhile, the INA premises were looted by the army. Documents from the main campesino conflicts of the country were burned or disappeared, and, on this basis, they hope that Eduardo Villanueva, the new pro-coup administrator assigned to the position three months ago, will begin his duties.

Meanwhile, it is discussed whether the decree against the constitutional guarantees is going backwards or not. This fierce repression is an attempt to defeat the Resistance. Micheletti the fascist has said that, thanks to his decree, "calm reigns in Honduras."

This is the balance of the day, 100 people arrested; meanwhile the international community pressures the coup plotters, in order to impose a negotiated coexistence among these murderers of the people, as the San José Agreement provides. They are all giving Micheletti time to defeat the heroic Honduran Resistance in the streets.

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